Saturday, June 1, 2013

Basics to getting a "Perfect" Body

How to attain the “Perfect” Body

Today I am going to tell you how to get started on your journey to attaining the “perfect” body. Before we begin, what exactly is the “perfect body”?
First, let me say that having a “perfect” body goes beyond just looking good. It is more than that. For example, you could run into a guy at the gym and he has the most massive chest you have ever seen, huge and cut arms, defined quads and calves, bulky but defined shoulders and traps; but this guy can’t run on a treadmill for 1 minute without getting extremely tired and out of breath. That is an example of someone who looks very good but is lacking in other areas (in our example this guy was lacking in cardiovascular conditioning). So what are the main factors for achieving a “perfect” body? Well, here are some of the basic ones:
-Muscular physique
-Low body fat percentage (8-10% for males)
-Great anaerobic and aerobic conditioning
-Great agility, speed and quickness
-Explosiveness in all areas of your body
-At least a 28 inch vertical jump

Those are just some of the basic factors needed to attain a “perfect” body. If you are a muscle head or a bodybuilder looking at this and you are guilty of lacking in most of these areas, there is no need to be discouraged because you can attain all these by simply applying some of these drills to your daily training regime.
How great would it feel to be 6’1, 200lbs of rock solid muscle and be a huge and bulky dude, but you can run a 4.7 40yd dash and you can dunk a basketball with ease and keep up with marathon runners (or even outrun them in some instances) and beat track and field athletes in races? How amazing would that feel? That is how it would feel to attain a perfect body. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, you can do all this naturally. NO STEROIDS! Just proper supplementation, meal timing, and training.
Oh yeah, I did not even mention one of the best parts. If you train like an athlete, you can eat like one also. If you are doing strenuous workouts similar to what athletes do, you must feed your body and keep it nourished so you also get to eat considerably more. You also get to eat more carbs, which is most everyone’s favorite. Good ol’ carbs.
For example, if you are a 25 year old male who is 5’10 and weights 170lbs and used to work out 3-4x a week with only weights and the occasional cardio, and your main goal is to drop body fat, then you can only eat around 2,100 calories a day if you want to lose 1lb of fat a week. But if you use this style of training where you train like an athlete and you mix in constant cardio (HIIT and aerobic), speed and agility exercises along with weight training and you train 5-6x a week, then you can eat about 2,600 calories a day. So this “perfect” body training has its rewards (as if attaining a perfect body isn’t enough). Unless you are as lazy as a sloth, then this training is a win-win situation. No negatives by training like this.
I can help you on your journey to achieving that "Perfect" body if you're a newbie or if you are bodybuilder who is looking to get in better overall shape(like improving cardiovascular conditioning, increasing agility), or if you are currently an athlete who is trying to reach their maximum athletic potential and excel at your sport. Achieving the perfect body takes articulate and precise training and how and when you do the exercises. It may sound difficult, but it really is not, I will give some examples of drills that you must to get a "perfect" body in latter blog posts.

But obviously you still must take the usual precautions of checking with your doctor or physician to see if you are in correct physical condition to train this way.

This type of training will help athletes reach their maximum athletic potential and help non-athletes increase their self esteem, confidence and body overall. Also it will help body builders add some spice to their repetitive training while still gaining the same amount of muscle, and more.

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